Take The First Step

We understand fining a new Church, or even your first Church can be intimidating. We would like to assure you that you are welcome here. You probably have lots of questions, like what is service like, what happens when I get there, how long will it be. We have all had questions like that. The important thing when finding a new Church is Prayer. We want you here, but more importantly we want you where God wants you! We have done our best to try and answer any common questions here, if you still have more please don’t hesitate to ask. You can ask here on our contact form or over on our FB page.

What is it like at RBT?

We would love to have you join us and find out! You will find us to be a welcoming small country assembly with a heart to reach the lost world with the Gospel of Jesus.

Got more questions?

11 + 14 =


What is service like?

Sunday mornings start with Sunday School at 10 and service starts at 11. It’s okay if you can’t make it for Sunday School, we would still encourage you to come for service. Service is pretty standard, we give some announcements, sing some songs and have some preaching.

On Wednesdays, it’s about the same, except we spend a bit more time taking prayer requests and having dedicated time for prayer before service before we get onto announcements and the rest of service.

What about my kids?

Kids are always welcome to be with you any time in service if you wish. We do offer a nursery also, it’s usually covered by 2 or more volunteers. We have several private areas mothers can use if needed.  During Sunday School we have several teachers for various age groups. 

Do you have a dress code?

Wear your best. Whatever is comfortable for you. 

Can You provide a ride?

We do provide rides to a few people in the community. Please reach out to us if you need a ride. 

Who Can Sing Songs?

Anyone! If the Lord has laid a gospel song on your heart to sing, just say so. We love hearing other people sing for the Lord. 

Am I expected to give money?

Tithing is between you and the Lord only. We usually give the opertunity for offering, once per service. Unless, it’s a special occasion like a fund raiser for building projects or to take up a love offering for visiting missionary or preacher. If you feel led to help, awsome! If you need help, let us know! Please don’t ever feel like you can’t be a part of our Church because of money. 

What do you believe?

We have a write up of the essential beliefs on our Doctrine and Beliefs Page.

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